Gift items

From the reception of Can Tinturé Museum you are able to find a small shop with different publication on the contents of the museums as well as a range of products, among which is the collection of tiles reproductions from ancient factory Pujol I Bausis.


Iman del model de rajola anomenat “ou ferrat”. Barcelona, segle XIX.

Description: Magnet in a tile design called “fried egg”. Barcelona, XIX century
Price: 2.04€

Iman del model de rajola anomenat “fulla de bleda”. València, segles XVI-XVII.

Description: Magnet in a tile design called “chard leaf”. Valencia, XVI-XVII centuries
Price: 2.04€

Iman del model de rajola anomenat “coca”. Barcelona, segles XVIII

Description: Magnet in a tile design called “flat cake”. Barcelona, XVIII century
Price: 2.04€

 Iman del model de rajola anomenat “pastanaga”. Barcelona, segles XVIII

Description: Magnet in a tile design called “carrot”. Barcelona, XVIII century
Price: 2.04€

Iman del model de rajola anomenat “botifarra”. Barcelona, segles XVIII

Description: Magnet in a tile design called “sausage”. Barcelona, XVIII century
Price: 2.04€

Description: Magnet in a tile modernist
Price: 2.04€

Description: Magnet in a tile modernist
Price: 2.04€

Description: Magnet in a tile modernist
Price: 2.04€

Description: Magnet in a tile modernist
Price: 2.04€

Description: Magnet in a tile modernist
Price: 2.04€

Description: Magnet in a tile modernist
Price: 2.04€

Description: Magnet in a tile modernist
Price: 2.04€


Llibreta de 14 x 8cm amb l’arrambador núm. 30 del catàleg de la fàbrica Pujol i Bausis.

Description: 14 x 8 cm book with a skirting board no. 30 of the catalogue of Pujol i Bausis factory. Project of Lluís Brú, 1910
Price: 2.04€

Llibreta de 14 x 8cm amb l’arrambador núm. 31 del catàleg de la fàbrica Pujol i Bausis.

Description: 14 x 8 cm book with a skirting board no. 31 of the catalogue of Pujol i Bausis factory. Project of Antoni Galissà, 1901
Price: 2.04€

Llibreta de 14 x 8cm amb l’arrambador núm. 17 del catàleg de la fàbrica Pujol i Bausis.

Description: 14 x 8 cm book with a skirting board no. 17 of the catalogue of Pujol i Bausis factory. Project of Adrià Gual, 1915
Price: 2.04€

Description: 15 x 15 cm book that contains tiles patterns from XVI to XVIII of Salvador Miquel’s tile collection
Price: 4.10€


Description: Rubber in tile design applied at Lleó Morera house in Barcelona, a work by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, made in Pujol i Bausis factory.
Price: 2.04€

Goma amb model de rajola aplicada a l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona, pavelló de la “Mercè”, obra de l’arquitecte Lluís Domènech i Montaner,

Description: Rubber in tile design applied at Santa Cruz y San Pablo Hospital in Barcelona, pavilion of the “Merced”, a work by the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner, made in Pujol i Bausis factory.
Price: 2.04€

Goma amb model de rajola aplicada en una antiga lleteria al carrer Bonavista núm. 40 de Sant Just Desvern

Description: Rubber in tile design applied at an ancient dairy in Bonavista 40 Street, Sant Just Desvern, made in Pujol i Bausis factory.
Price: 2.04€

Ceramic figure

Fanguet ceràmic

Description: Painted ceramic figure of Fanguet, the real ceramist of Esplugues
Price: 12.31€

Fanguet de fang

Description: Clay figure to paint Fanguet, the real ceramist of Esplugues.
Price: 3.07€